
Wednesday 28 November 2012


'Krrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr'! (Alarm clock rings)
(Covering my ears with my pillow)
Someone should please tell the alarm clock I know it’s Monday Morning. mtcheeew!
(Throwing the pillow at the wall, getting out of bed and switching off the alarm).
I hate Mondays with a passion, well everyone does.
Students hate it because they have to submit assignments, teachers hate it because they have to mark the assignments and I, a banker, hate Monday morning because of the long queue of impatient clients waiting to be attended to.
But I love my job so I guess I've got no choice than to embrace it with all that comes with it.

(Bathroom Break)
Aside my love for my job that makes me accept the hustle and bustle and the traffic and tension that comes with it; there is something else that makes me expect to meet Monday mornings. And that is the joy of sitting behind my mirror and getting myself ready for the working week.
(Showing 2 pair of shoes to the mirror)

'Dear mirror',
Which of these best matches what I'm wearing? This one right? Excellent!
Ooops! I’m running late and my younger sister is ready for school too, so I guess we'll see each other this evening. Take care and please don’t miss me too much!’’

Kwabena picked me up for lunch that day and we finalized our plans for the wedding which had taken weeks and months to plan. Finally the wedding day came and I was the happiest person on earth, well I guessed. (shrugs)

Leaving my parents house without my best friend was like eating fufu without soup, we were inseparable. It has been three years and we lived happily without any remorse.
‘’Wait a minute. You did what?’’
‘’My love I broke the mirror and I am so sorry”(in a soft remorseful voice)
‘’Oh Kwabena, you know how dear this mirror is to me’’ (leaving the room angrily).

Knowing what caused the breakage of the mirror would have hurt me the more so for weeks I asked everyone in that house not to talk about it in my presence. My new mirror therefore became my dear husband, whether he likes it or not, a day never goes by without me narrating every eventful situation like I did with my beloved mirror!

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