
Wednesday 28 November 2012

MIRROR MOMENTS by Deborah Ayim


I dedicate this creative writing piece to my family, friends and all who have supported me all these years, especially Jonathan Donkor for being an inspiration.
God bless you all.

I am highly indebted to God Almighty for his strength, knowledge and skills. Thank you to all who inspired me, I am most grateful.


The lights went off, suddenly things started falling apart. I tried to save the mirror, which was dangling on the nail but before I could reach it, it crashed!
NoOooOo!I shouted with my eyes closed, but when I opened them again I was on my bed in House No Ad5, Ashaley Botwe, Accra.

Was I dreaming?
Not convinced, I got out of the bed and went to check where my mirror usually hangs and there it was, safe and sound. I hugged it and sighed. Thank God it was just a dream.

I eat, drink and speak right in front of my mirror. Did I just hear you say ‘’like seriously’’? lol… yeah like seriously. My best friend is the mirror and per my dream and how I reacted, you should know how deep my love for it is.

Each time I sit in front of it, I have a story to tell about how my day went, who I saw and everything that happened during the day. (standing Akimbo, right in front of the mirror)

‘’My dear Mirror,

‘’It's Saturday again and like always, I've washed, scrubbed my bathroom and prepared enough food for the week. Whew! I'm so tired. I wish I could spend the whole day under the shower, but no! There's one more thing I have to do.
(Cleaning a drop of water rolling down the face)

‘’I need to visit the salon to get my hair done. Tomorrow is Sunday, remember?
Well, since it’s a Saturday and not a weekday, I might spend the rest of the day at Kwabena’s end. Don’t we miss him? Yes! And I am sure he misses us too. ‘’ (Winks)

‘’Unfortunately dear mirror, our chat has to end here. (Posing like a model) How do I look? Alluring I guess! I'm off to the salon to get my hair done, please don’t miss me too much. Take care of my little sister, because I know she will be here and as usual to smear powder all over you’’.



What is your bed time regimen? Well for me it’s; off you go shoes. Zip zip, down goes my jeans trousers. Hands up, Up goes my blouse then finally, what I always can't wait to be free of; my bra! Wheew! Did I hear my boobs say; ‘fresh air''?…Well, maybe! But wait! That is not all. There is one more important thing to be removed. Yes my...shame on you it's not what you're thinking. It's my makeup.

So with my facial cleanser in one hand, cotton in the other or sometimes a face wipe and looking into the mirror, I begin another story.

 ‘’Mirror, mirror on my wall,
‘’I'm sure you're wondering why I've come home late. Well, it's a long story but I guess I’ll have to tell it anyway.’’

‘’So here we go. Once upon this morning, just as I got to the roadside, the weather changed from sunny to cloudy. For the first time in God knows how long, the weather forecaster was right. It was going to rain. As the birds ran helter-skelter in search of a place to hide, I also couldn't help but jump into the first Osu-bound trosky that stopped for me despite how rickety it looked, because no taxis passed by.’’

‘’Like most mates, sorry bus conductors, (eyes rolling) the one in the trosky I joined was engaged in a verbal war with a female passenger, whose lipstick had apparently stained his shirt. His fear was that his girlfriend, a roast plantain seller, who it took two and half years to woe might see the lipstick mark and think he's cheating. As for the lady, she felt the mate should rather be grateful that her lip is imprinted on his shirt because her lipstick could buy thousand times the shirt he was wearing. Eii! Hmm. At that point, I started wondering which brand of makeup she was talking about.’’

This argument continued till we were hundred metres from my destination, which is the last stop, and then the rains began. I wasn't bothered because thankfully I always carry a small umbrella in my ever gargantuan bag. At that moment also, I noticed the argument had seized and took a glance at the ladies; a quick glance at their faces and I could register this bewildered look.(making funny faces at the mirror)

When we finally got to the last stop, it was still raining and almost everyone was trying to get out of the bus, except madam expensive makeup and her friend, who were now pleading with the bus conductor in humble tones to let them alight somewhere they could easily get shelter as they had no umbrellas. But like you can imagine, the conductor would have none of it and so pushed them into the rain. It was also at that point that I realised their fear. It was not because their clothes would get wet, but they were afraid for their hair and makeup getting ruined as well, exposing them.(giggles)

Lo and behold, as fate would have it, as soon as they stepped into the rain, their blouses were stained with makeup as though they had been doused in paint. I couldn't help but join the conductor to laugh at them as the trosky drove off. Being the kind person that I am and knowing the rain couldn’t easily wash away my makeup, I offered them my umbrella and like chicks, they rushed under it and we all moved to a shed close by till the rain stopped.

‘’I think I need more cotton wool.’’

‘’Naana and Mansa ( those are the names of my new found friends by the way) were so much captivated by the products that they ended up spending all their money purchasing . They couldn't just believe that makeup could be less expensive and yet of good quality.’’

‘’Later, a beauty consultant in the saloon did a mini make over on them, as they so needed it after that massive beat down by the rain. Before I realised, time was far spent so I had to leave them at the cosmetic section of the saloon to go do my hair for church tomorrow, which was why I came to Osu in the first place. As at the time I was leaving the saloon, my new found friends were still trying out different makeup looks for facebook. If you see beautifully 'made up' faces on facebook and twitter-those are my girls.’’

‘’Mirror, mirror on the wall, now that the makeup is off my face, I can now go take a shower and hit the suck. Can’t wait for our next mirror moment tomorrow morning as I prepare for church, and I will tell you all about the time spent with Kwabena (winks). Anyway, I couldn’t help but notice the powder all over you. I can tell you had a nice time with my little sister while I was away today! Well, there she comes again! Let me leave you two love birds alone!



I love Sundays; the serenity, less traffic, special Omo Tuo and most important of all; the church service.

That is why I'm still not in the arms of my bed despite being beaten a little by the rain yesterday, but in front of my mirror, doing what I love to do---chatting with my best friend.
So like always, I talk to the mirror.

‘’Mirror, mirror on the wall,
I'm sure you're wondering why the makeup I'm using today are lighter in colour, fewer in number and thinner in texture than always. Well, I'm going to church today and that is how makeup for church should be; thin, soft, light and simple. After all, it is not a masquerade show.

It is rather unfortunate that some ladies come to church looking as though they either used makeup to wash their faces or dipped their heads in make paint.
Hmm! Some of them look so sophisticated and scary that, I won't be surprised to hear they scare away the evil spirits who manage to enter the church, even before the Men of God start to loose and bind.

I remember there was a day I had to call aside two young ladies and educate them on when, how and which make up they should use because their thick red lipsticks had stained the communion cups to the displeasure of almost everyone especially the priest.

Okay Mirror, stop looking at me that way, I only told a little gossip which is true by the way. And oh, Kwabena is coming home today, we spoke before I went to bed last night….owwww (grabbing her teddy bear off the bed and hugging it dearly)

My dear mirror, please tell your mirror friends to tell their mirror friends to tell the ladies who look at them day and night that;

''There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:'' and Sunday is for light makeup.
Did I hear an Amen?

Well, I'm off to church and we would still discuss Kwabena when I’m back…..OMG, not my little sister again!


‘’Dear Mirror

I can tell you are so enthused to know what happened at Kwabena’s end yesterday. Well, nothing happened! (giggles). We just talked and talked, till it was time for the Chelsea-Man United match of which you know who won. Man U beat Chelsea as usual and I teased him till he left the hall to his room. Then I decided to prepare supper since it was getting late. Do you know his favourite food? Like almost all men, he likes Jollof! What is with men and jollof, sometimes I wonder, but hey you can’t judge them too much, they don’t usually have choices when it comes to food, they eat what they are given.

Kwabena is one of the most wonderful friends I have and I’m sure you would love him when you get to meet him. He is calm and collected and loves to see everyone around him happy. He’s heard all about you. ( I begin to wipe powder off the mirror). As for my younger sister, she would hear from me one of these days, she doesn’t know how to treat you well at all. I just wish I could lock my room before I leave the house sometimes, but mother insists I leave it open.

Anyway, we have guests visiting today and I need to go help mum prepare supper or dinner, which ever way you choose to call it. So I will see you, when I see you!


'Krrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr'! (Alarm clock rings)
(Covering my ears with my pillow)
Someone should please tell the alarm clock I know it’s Monday Morning. mtcheeew!
(Throwing the pillow at the wall, getting out of bed and switching off the alarm).
I hate Mondays with a passion, well everyone does.
Students hate it because they have to submit assignments, teachers hate it because they have to mark the assignments and I, a banker, hate Monday morning because of the long queue of impatient clients waiting to be attended to.
But I love my job so I guess I've got no choice than to embrace it with all that comes with it.

(Bathroom Break)
Aside my love for my job that makes me accept the hustle and bustle and the traffic and tension that comes with it; there is something else that makes me expect to meet Monday mornings. And that is the joy of sitting behind my mirror and getting myself ready for the working week.
(Showing 2 pair of shoes to the mirror)

'Dear mirror',
Which of these best matches what I'm wearing? This one right? Excellent!
Ooops! I’m running late and my younger sister is ready for school too, so I guess we'll see each other this evening. Take care and please don’t miss me too much!’’

Kwabena picked me up for lunch that day and we finalized our plans for the wedding which had taken weeks and months to plan. Finally the wedding day came and I was the happiest person on earth, well I guessed. (shrugs)

Leaving my parents house without my best friend was like eating fufu without soup, we were inseparable. It has been three years and we lived happily without any remorse.
‘’Wait a minute. You did what?’’
‘’My love I broke the mirror and I am so sorry”(in a soft remorseful voice)
‘’Oh Kwabena, you know how dear this mirror is to me’’ (leaving the room angrily).

Knowing what caused the breakage of the mirror would have hurt me the more so for weeks I asked everyone in that house not to talk about it in my presence. My new mirror therefore became my dear husband, whether he likes it or not, a day never goes by without me narrating every eventful situation like I did with my beloved mirror!